Opinionated Monsters Launches!

Those of you who were at ComicCon may have heard this at the panel, but for everyone else...

Ottawa Horror, along with Carnvial Diablo and Zombieinfo have teamed up to produce an exciting new web-debate series about all things horror! Head over to The Opinionated Monsters and show us some love!


Nothing is off-limits for these vicious teenagers in horror movie Carrie. Her post-prank meltdown after being crowned queen feels like the perfect embodiment of justice. Carrie’s reactions may have been a little on the severe but let’s be honest- they all had it coming.
typicallydia said…
I'm pretty excited for Jess' picks too! Nice list! Hadn't heard of The Babadook and that looks like a nice addition to The Others and The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh in my books. Strong first episode, guys~