Things Arn't What They Seem - PSOP video released

If you don't know them already, get infected. Patron Saint of Plagues have been busy bats this summer. Between touring and recording, they found time to capture their even scarier sides on camera.

Ottawa Horror's typicallydia spent a few days this summer working with this creepy crew and award-winning filmmaker Christoper M. Ray of Hora Morior Productions shooting this video.

Hora snagged best cinematography, best costume design, best visual FX, and best special FX at the 24 Hour Film Race for their original entry, 'Drifting Through Silence' so PSOP were certainly in good, cold, dead hands. Produced with assistance from MuchFact, a lot of coffee and nightmares, this was the title track from the last album which is available at their shows or via bandcamp.

Filmed mainly at the Ottawa Jail Hostel, some of the best footage you see was filmed at night - on death row - leading up to the witching hour. Right about the same point in the song that your heart stops beating, the filming crew and band were feeling the effects of sixteen hours shooting at the most haunted place in Ontario.

So buckle the fuck up cuz here, things arn't what they seem...
